Saturday 31 December 2011

hello 2012 .!


assalamualaikum and good morning lovey dovey . it is sharp 01.04 in the morning now . what i am doing  now ? oh yeah , you know aku tengah menaip laa right now . heheh . oke , as you know 2011 had gone and 2012 had started just now . oh , this is my first post for 2012 . oke , this year aku sudah masuk form 4 . hew , sixteen already . omo , i can't believe that . so 2012 , please be good to me and aku really hope it will going smoothly . oh yeah . oke , before terlupa , HAPPY NEW YEAR everybody . good bye 2011 . thanks for all the memories left .

hmm , fyi aku tengok fireworks tadi . memang nampak clear dari rumah aku . you know why , sebab rumah aku atas bukit . heheh thats why la clear . aku dengan cousins aku suma kumpul na maen bunga api . riuh rendah kami punya bising . suma pakat dok baling mercun ja pastu pakcik makcik indon pun join skali . what the fun yeah . mercun roket tak roket suma ada . gilaa betull . btw , aku enjoy gila you know . sory eh aku da melalut da neh sebab terlebih gelak tadik . fyi, im always like that . oke , bye .

# lets do it

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